Welcome, friends!

My debut middle-grade novel releases in less than a month and I cant wait for you to read it! Not a middle-grader? No worries. Gittel is perfect for readers age 11 to adult.

Heres what the reviews have to say: 

"Thirteen-year-old Gittel comes of age and realizes her potential in this...evocative novel saturated in her Jewish heritage, the importance of family, and the power of hope.... Gittel provides a unique conversation about community through a historical-fiction lens that invites connection to the modern day." Booklist

"An original, skillfully crafted, emotionally engaging...coming-of-age tale of hardship, prejudice, hope, and happy endings...." Midwest Book Review

"Git­tel and her fam­i­ly are char­ac­ters that will be remem­bered long after one fin­ish­es reading." Jewish Book Council

Fiddler on the Roof meets Little Town on the Prairie when 13-year-old Gittel Borenstein and her family, survivors of the deadly Kishinev pogrom, start over as farmers in 1911 Central Wisconsin.